At Bozeman Smiles, we are committed to providing our patients in Bozeman, MT, with the latest advancements in orthodontic technology to ensure efficient and precise treatment. One of the innovative techniques we employ is Indirect Bonding, a revolutionary approach that enhances the accuracy and comfort of bracket placement.

The Power of Indirect Bonding

Dr. Schwendeman and our experienced team utilize suresmile | elemetrix IDB 3D automation, a cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the orthodontic bonding process. Indirect Bonding simplifies and optimizes the placement of orthodontic brackets, ensuring rapid and comfortable bracket placement for our patients.

Rapid & Comfortable Bracket Placement

With Indirect Bonding, you can expect a swift and comfortable bracket placement experience. Dr. Schwendeman utilizes the suresmile | elemetrix IDB 3D automation system, which allows for rapid digital evaluation and adjustment of bracket placement. This means that you’ll achieve bracket placement with the precision of a jig, but with the chairside efficiency of a tray.

Completely Adjustable Bracket & Tooth Position

Indirect Bonding provides complete control over bracket and tooth position. This means that every bracket is carefully positioned according to your unique orthodontic needs, ensuring the most effective treatment possible. The level of precision achieved with Indirect Bonding is unmatched, leading to superior treatment outcomes.

Simulations of Projected Tooth Movement

The suresmile | elemetrix IDB 3D automation system also enables us to create simulations of projected tooth movement. This allows you to visualize the expected progress of your orthodontic treatment, providing you with a clear understanding of the journey ahead.

Control Over Tray Segmentation Design

Indirect Bonding grants us control over tray segmentation design, ensuring that every aspect of your treatment is personalized to your specific needs. This level of customization contributes to the effectiveness of your orthodontic care.

Direct Access to Brackets for Ease of Flash Removal

Indirect Bonding provides direct access to brackets during bonding, making it easier to remove any excess material or flash. This enhances the overall comfort of your orthodontic treatment and minimizes potential discomfort caused by bracket bonding.

Contact Bozeman Smiles Today

At Bozeman Smiles, we believe that your orthodontic journey should be as efficient and comfortable as possible. Indirect Bonding, utilizing suresmile | elemetrix IDB 3D automation, allows us to achieve precise bracket placement with unparalleled ease and precision.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the benefits of Indirect Bonding for yourself. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best orthodontic care in Bozeman, MT, and helping you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and take the first step towards a more confident and radiant smile!